Refund Policies

Students who wish to cancel or withdraw from a Multiple Course Plan or single course enrollment must notify Student Services. Students must clearly identify the effective cancellation or withdrawal date, which must be on or after the date of notification, and the reason for cancellation or withdrawal. Students may make the notification in any manner (e.g., email, fax, phone call).

Refund policies specific to individual AACTD degree programs are as follows:

CANCELLATION: All students are required to complete an enrollment agreement for each course. An enrollment agreement or Multiple Course Plan may be canceled within five calendar days after midnight of the day on which the enrollment agreement or Multiple Course Plan is submitted and prior to the term start date to receive a refund of the tuition paid.

WITHDRAWAL: A student withdrawing from AACTD after the cancellation period will be subject to an administrative fee equal to 20% of the course tuition up to a maximum of $200 for Multiple Course Plans and/or single course enrollments. Any remaining tuition will be refunded on the following basis:

Date of Withdrawal from a 7 or 8 week course Percentage of Total Tuition Refunded (after deduction of program admin fee)
During Week 1100%
During Week 280%
During Week 360%
During Week 440%
During Week 520%
After Week 5No refund


Date of Withdrawal from a 12 week course Percentage of Total Tuition Refunded (after deduction of program admin fee)
During Week 1100%
During Week 280%
During Week 370%
During Week 460%
During Week 550%
During Week 640%
During Week 730%
During Week 820%
During Week 910%
After Week 9No refund

Multiple Course Plan

The Multiple Course Plan preferential pricing/discount is only realized when a student has completed all of the credits contained in the multiple course plan enrollment agreement. If a student fails to complete the credit hours in the agreement, the single course tuition applies and any refunds requested will be based on the non-discounted single course tuition in effect at the time they enrolled in the course(s).

The only exception to this policy would be in cases where the number of credit hours remaining in the plan is less than the number of credit hours required to complete a course. In which case, the refund would be calculated on a pro-rata basis.

For any credit hours under this Plan that students do not use by enrolling in a course, students may obtain a refund upon request, if the refund is requested prior to the Plan Termination Date on the Multiple Course/Credit Hours (MCP) Plan. Refunds will be based on balance remaining after tuition has been recalculated at the single course tuition rate for any credit hours completed.

Example 1: If bachelor degree program students’ Plan is for 20 Total Credit Hours (which equates to 5-7 courses), but they enroll for only one 3-credit-hour course before withdrawing, they are entitled to a refund of the balance remaining after the tuition for the 3-credit hours course has been calculated based on the single course price.

MCP: $295 per credit hour for 20 credits for a total tuition of $5,900. Single course tuition 3 credits $1,200, 4 credits $1,600. Student enrolls in and completes a 3 credit course and withdraws. Student’s refund of $4,500 is calculated as follows:

$5,900 Tuition paid
– $ 200 administrative fee
– $1,200 Single course 3 credit tuition
$4,500 Balance to be refunded.

Example 2: If bachelor degree program students’ Plan is for 20 Total Credit Hours (which equates to 5-7 courses), but they enroll for two 3-credit-hour courses and two 4-credit hour courses before withdrawing, they are not entitled to a refund since there is no remaining balance after the tuition for the completed courses has been calculated based on the single course price.

MCP: $295 per credit hour for 20 credits for a total tuition of $5,900. Single course tuition 3 credits $1,200, 4 credits $1,600. Student enrolls in and completes two 3 credit course and two 4 credit course and withdraws. No refund is due based on the following calculation:

$5,900 Tuition paid
– $ 200 administrative fee
– $1,200 Single Course 3 credit tuition
– $1,200 Single Course 3 credit tuition
– $1,600 Single Course 4 credit tuition
– $1,600 Single Course 4 credit tuition
$100 Balance – no refund

Example 3: If bachelor degree program students’ Plan is for 20 Total Credit Hours (which equates to 5-7 courses), and they enroll in four 4-credit courses and one 3-credit course for a total of 19 credits, the remaining credit will be refunded to them at the MCP tuition paid or applied to a new MCP.

MCP: $295 per credit hour for 20 credits for a total tuition of $5,000. Single course tuition 3 credits $1,200, 4 credits $1,600.

Student enrolls in and completes a 3 credit course and four 4 credit courses. Student’s balance of $295 will be applied to a new MCP or refunded to student.

$5,900 Tuition paid
– $5,605 for 19 credits completed
$295 Balance eligible for refund or to be applied to a new single course or multi course plan

Refund policies specific to industry certification programs are as follows:

Certification students may cancel within five (5) business days of the date on the certification agreement and receive a full refund. After five (5) business days access fees for certification courses are non-refundable.