“In this line, your biggest reward is making a difference in other people’s lives.”
These were the words of a father to his daughter as he pieced a chair together. Nail by nail. Plank by plank.
All things start somewhere. And this is how AACTD started. On a shoestring budget and the sacrifice of a selfless father who wanted his daughter to achieve his dreams. Dreams when basic furniture passed as luxury.
This is the AACTD University story – one so often forgotten after 20 successful years. A story that traces the university back to humble beginnings. Before the growth. Before the recognition.
The father imparted more wisdom as they worked together. Unwavering integrity. The audacity of hope. Perseverance to go the distance. An ironclad commitment to excellence. These values proved to be the seed to bigger things – the impetus that now sees AACTD impacting more than 3,000 learners each year through its education offerings.
It may not have been said then, but the father’s actions meant the world to his son. A world of promise. A world where people measure up to ideals larger than themselves. A world where people become the change they seek.
This is the AACTD story. And that is why our world revolves around expanding yours.
Dr. Stephanie Kwolek
Dr. Stephanie Kwolek
Posted on by AACTD