This Master of Business Administration (MBA) program at AACTD aims to provide quality, graduate professional education to a culturally diverse body of motivated students. The curriculum is based on globally oriented, contemporary management practices and challenges students to acquire the knowledge, skills and practical experience common to many successful international business and management professionals.
The goal of the MBA in International Business is to challenge students to apply the theory and tools of micro and macroeconomics and research to the formation of business decisions in the global environment.
In this industry-focused curriculum, students can explore interactions between leaders, followers and situations while they examine the development of policy, financing options for international business and the making of standard financial management decisions.
The AACTD London MBA in International Business offers students an opportunity to examine the role national culture plays in managing people and developing managerial systems at the international, multinational and global level. Coursework includes analysis of how different national/regional cultures affect issues such as employee motivation, group dynamics, leadership, negotiation, conflict resolution, communication patterns and approaches to organizational change. In this program, students can learn how to:
- Comprehensively and accurately analyze business and management.
- Manage people in organizations with a full appreciation of how the management process is shaped by individual, interpersonal, group and organizational influences on behavior.
- Apply key techniques of accounting and financial management.
- Assess the influences of markets, business structures, economic decision-making and government economic policy upon their firm.
- Work effectively with a team either as a member or as a leader.
- Use a wide range of types of information, information sources and methodologies in undertaking research tasks with minimum guidance.
- Reflect critically on their own and others’ functioning as a practitioner.
- Communicate effectively and confidently with others in both written and spoken form.
- Operate in complex and unpredictable management environments with a critical awareness of good practice.
- Exercise autonomy and responsibility in professional practice.
- and many more business-related skills.
This MBA program in International Business is based on globally-oriented, contemporary management practices and includes the following courses, taught by faculty drawn from the UK, USA, Southeast Asia, India, the Gulf States and many other locales, adding a range of perspectives to the program. Instructors have varied backgrounds and experiences in teaching, consultancy and business management and can incorporate the challenges of complex organizations into a vigorous and stimulating curriculum. The experiences and firsthand perspectives they share in class can help prepare you for real-life challenges after you graduate.
- Economics for the Global Manager
- Global Financial Management
- Business Research for Decision Making
- Leadership and Ethics for Managers
- Strategic Management
- A Managerial Approach to Marketing
- International Internship/Guided Study
- International Management and Leadership
- Marketing in the European Union